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Your Club Membership can be registered and paid online here by Credit Card, Debit Card (such as Visa/Debit) or by Cheque.

Subscribe online to have your own Account, where full details on your Membership will always be available to you.

Please click on the "Club Membership" button or on one of the Membership Plans listed below:

Click here to pay your St. Joseph's GAA Club Membership Online.

Available Membership Plans

New players are always very welcome to join our friendly club. We are based in West London; the club covers a wide area and current players live in many different areas, including, Acton, Brentford, Ealing, Fulham, Greenford, Northfields, Ruislip, Harrow and Wimbledon. Transport to and from training and pick-up from stations can be arranged, if required. If you would like to join our club, please do not hesitate to contact John on 07956 666 979 or email

You can also join us on Facebook at or follow us on Twitter @StJosephsGFCLon.

We would be delighted to hear from you.

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